Thursday, March 6, 2014

Evolution WebLab: Natural Selection

       In the blog, I was able to play around with the species' traits and the population. Then, the weblab would give me an estimate on what would happen to the population and its traits over a few months or years. With the flutter bugs, I learned that the color can increase survivability. If a predator is more attracted to bright colors, overtime the species will change to another color. Also, the population depends on the predator. Finches' beak sizes are dependent on how much precipitation there is. Overtime, animals will blend into their surroundings to increase their survivability, like the mice. When the barnyard was painted yellow, many of them were born with yellow fur.

Rating: 9.5/10. This WebLab was very informative. However, I'm not sure if it is the app or the computer, but it was very laggy. It took very long to go on to the next page.

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