Thursday, March 27, 2014

Evolution Weblab: Geologic Time

Lucy: Lucy had long, strong, dangling arms for climbing trees. Her iliac blades curved to form a pelvis basin. It supported her internal organs and upperbody, which allowed her to walk upright. She had a small birth canal, but large pelvis. She was about 3.5 feet tall. She lived 3.2 million years ago.

Hadar skull: The organism has a heavy brow ridge and a forward-jutting face. It has large canine teeth. Lucy and the first family are similar since they have similar jaws, teeth, and braincases. This organism lived 3 million years ago.
Laetoli footprints: It moved on two feet. The weight was first on the heel, then the outside foot, and then the ball and toe. This organism lived 3.6 years ago.
First family: The first family has toe bones that don't curve toward the heel. The males were much bigger than the females. There was a wide range in height and heft. They had canines and large front teeth. They had big toes. There was an arch between the ball and heel in the foot. Lucy and the Hadar skull could be similar. They lived 3.2 years ago.
All of these bones/artifacts are most likely similar species.
     I learned about the fossils and artifacts found. According to the traits of them, scientists concluded that they are all related in some way.
Rating: 8/10. Although this was educational, it was very plain and boring. I was tired of just reading it. It should have some interactive activities, not just reading.



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